Monday 28 February 2011

History of Shinty

Shinty also known as camanachd, iomain in gaelic, is a team sport played with sticks and balls. It was first played in the highlands and dervied from the irish game hurley but was soon widespread throughout scotland and even being played in england. The stick or caman as its known is traditionally made from ash but is more commonly made from hickory.

The game was traditionally played in the winter months but due to the weather it meant many games were unplayed. This has meant that it has know been changed to being played in summer (not that the weather in summer is much better!)

The game is played with 12 players in each team however womans teams play with 10 players. Each team is allowed 4 subs. And it used to be that only 3 substitutions could be made per match but this year the camanachd association has changed this rule and changed it to rolling substitutions.

The organisation which is used today as a way of promoting shinty and giving information about it is the camanachd association or the woman's camanachd association both give full details on how to become more involved and engaged in the sport.


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