Wednesday 6 April 2011

The Future of Shinty

In order for shinty to develop and continue growing as a sport it is vital that it is continuing to be promoted throughout Scotland and it could be introduced to England as there is a team in London and so if it caught on in England then it would be a step in the right direction as a league in Scotland and England could be set up. Also the youth shinty needs to continue developing as that is the future of shinty as they will be the next generation of players if they continue to play. The future of shinty also depends on whether it can continue to attract new players either children or adults as without this there will be no future for shinty. Other sports are also important to shinty's future as there are millions more youngsters playing football as opposed to shinty and so in areas such as the highlands and islands and central scotland shinty needs to be promoted more in order to try and encourage people to try this sport. Although as with anything it is not possible to predict the future and so shinty might end up fizzling out and become a game of the past or it will grow dramatically and see a rise in the number of players and teams, lets hope that is the outcome.


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