Monday 14 March 2011

International Game

Each year there is an international match between Scotland and Ireland. This game is different to normally games played as the Irish play Hurley whilst the Scottish play Shinty and for this match the two games are played in one game both games have compromised rules. The game is played in different places each year for instance one year it would be in Ireland the next it would be in Scotland. However in 2010 they decided to have the trophy competed for over two matches, one was in Ireland then the return leg was in Scotland. Due to the rules being mixed this allows both games to be played fairly with no team being given an advantage. For instance in hurley they are normally allowed to catch the ball and run with it in their hands however for this game they are allowed to catch it but only take three steps with the ball in their hands. Also in shinty if the ball goes across the by line then it would be a corner but for this game it is a 45 and this is where they ball is taken back 45 yards from the goal line and a player has to try and hit the ball over the bar from there. Another difference in this game is that both teams play with 15 players compared with 12 in a normal game.
In order to be selected for the international team you are required to attend training sessions throughout the year and after the first few trainings an initial team of 30 would be selected to continue training then with about a month before the game the final team of 20 would be announced. The teams each year have had a few suprise players from smaller clubs which shows how although they may not be playing in the highest league there are still players of very good quality throughout every league. This game gives the opportunity for shinty to grow and develop as young and upcoming players will aspire to get the chance to play for their country. The video below shows the international part 2 from this year and shows clearly how it is a fast and potentially dangerous game.

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