Monday 28 March 2011

The Success of Glengarry Girls

Glengarry Girls Shinty Club has been developed for 14 years and throughout that time have gained a reputation of being the most successful women's team in the sport. This is due to the club winning games and improving each week they play. As a team they have produced many of the best players in the game for the women's game with the likes of Sarah Corrigal, Karen Cameron and Laura Mackay all playing with Glengarry and becoming key players all of whom have played for Scotland. The club has also won five out of nine Camanchd Cup finals and has been involved in 8 therfore only not making it to the final once in the last 9 years. Along with this the Glengarry Girls have won the johnstone tournament 12 times out of 13 which is and incredible record and only Badenoch and Strathspey defeating Glenagarry in 2009. The team has also won the league cup 6 times out of 12 and is still the team with the most wins of the league cup with the next team having 3 wins. Besides winning cups and trophies Glengarry Girls have been successful in many other ways such as organising anual tournaments, fundraising for different charities such as Cancer Care in the Highlands. Glengarry are also the only team remaining from the 3 who where first set up Glengarry, Dunadd and Oban Lorne. However as the game grew and other teams were developed Dunadd and Oban both lost players and ended up folding in due to a shortage of players. The team is continuing to grow with the youth teams being coached to a high standard and all wishing to play further thus meaning both the mens and women's team is always receiving new players every year and not many leave. In 2009 Glengarry Girls triumphed winning both the Camanachd Cup final and the League cup in the same year along with winning all tournaments. This success was then continued in 2010 with the girls winning the Camanachd Cup again with a 5-0 victory over Tir Connel Harps. However Glengarry were defeated in the league with Glasgow Mid Argyll winning the league after a play off with Glengarry. Hopefully Glengarry can continue the recent success and progress this year through to the Camanachd Cup Final and potentially win the league as well.



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